Trader Joe's - Masonic

Food & Drink , Grocery Store

We love TJ's.   A great store for unique, quality grocery items at a good price.


Something a little more traditional but still on the edge? Our friends from Southern California, Trader Joe's have moved in, twice, Soma and Geary Street. If Rainbow is for the Grateful Dead fans, TJ's is for the Glam rockers. Less bulk foods and more prepared and packaged stuff but all great, guilt-free, good stuff. Their mission is similar to Rainbow with the exception TJ's is a dot com and Rainbow is a dot org. Do the math. And then check out the very large wine selection.

- Excerpt from SF Station review by Victoria Joyce

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3 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, CA

+1 415.346.9964

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Trader Joe's - Masonic Event Calendar


Masonic Avenue Cleanup - Volunteer Community Service

9:30am - 11:00am at Trader Joe's - Masonic

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