St. George Spirits

Food & Drink , Distillery

Proudly independent. Passionate about innovation. Committed to craft. Founded in 1982 by Jörg Rupf, St. George Spirits is America's original craft distillery. Over more than three decades at the vanguard of the American craft spirits movement, the distillery has grown into a diversified operation with a portfolio of world-class spirits includes single malt whiskey, absinthe, and several gins, vodkas, brandies, and liqueurs. Now owned and operated by master distiller Lance Winters and head distiller Dave Smith, St. George has been inducted into the Spirit Journal Hall of Fame and named "best craft distiller in America" by Thrillist. Collectively, our distillers have been nominated for eight James Beard awards.

2601 Monarch Street, Alameda, CA


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St. George Spirits Event Calendar


HEAD WEST at St. George Spirits

11am - 5pm at St. George Spirits

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