Benicia Clock Tower

Event Planning , Event Space

Constructed in 1859 of native Benicia sandstone, the Clock Tower was designed as a U.S. military arsenal. Originally built as a three story building, it provided the occupants with a view of Suisun, San Pablo, and San Francisco Bays. A fire and explosion in 1912 reduced this facility to the two story structure that exists today.

In 1964 the Clock Tower became the property of the City of Benicia and has since served as a multiple use facility for weddings, fundraisers, private parties, receptions, and community functions. The Clock Tower is Benicia's largest facility with a maximum standing capacity of 601 people and a seating capacity of 536 people. The second floor event space may be reached by two sets of stairs or an elevator located at the center of the building.

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1189 Washington Street, Benicia, CA

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